Virtual reality motion simulator
Try out a flight on our simulators and benefit from the many advantages.
PPL(H) start package on the simulator
We have created a training program that is unique in Switzerland for your start into PPL(H) training. During the first flying lesson in the simulator, the student pilot literally…
Type rating Airbus H125 with simulator
Obtain the type rating for the Airbus H125 with our combination package with simulator.
Together with Loft Dynamics, we have developed an innovative H125 type rating course that reduces costs and increases safety at the same time. The advantages of the virtual reality simulator…
Commercial Pilot CPL(H) on Airbus H125 with VR simulator
Complete your professional pilot training on the Airbus H125 (AS350 B3e), the most widely used work helicopter in the world. For cost reasons, professional pilot training usually…

New HESLO sling load training module on simulator
Simulator HESLO Modul
The newly developed HESLO module enables (prospective) transport pilots to practice complex missions and emergency procedures realistically and risk-free. Helicopter…
Proficiency Check (LPC/OPC) H125
Complete a fully creditable License Proficiency Check (LPC) on the Airbus AS350B3e H125 VRM simulator.
All check flights can be carried out at any time, regardless of the weather, without much preparation time on the helicopter. This makes planning and performing easier and significantly more…
Seminar for safe autorotation by Claude Vuichard
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn the various autorotation techniques from Claude Vuichard.
During the seminar you will focus on safe autorotation and learn invaluable skills and techniques for reacting correctly in critical situations. The focus of the training is on full down autorotation…