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Sling load pilot training HESLO

HESLO (Helicopter External Sling Load Operations) training is a basic requirement for a job as a transport pilot.

We offer the training with flight instructors who have many years of sling load operations experience. The training can be completed within two to three days.

The first part of the training (HESLO 1) entitles you to carry out transport flights with a maximum line length of 20 meters. The advanced HESLO 2 training removes the line length restriction and completes the HESLO pilot training.


HESLO 1 training teaches and trains the use of a short sling up to a maximum of 20 meters.


  • Completed PPL(H), CPL(H) or ATPL(H)
  • at least 300 h PIC
  • of which at least 10 h PIC on type

Theory training

The theoretical part of the training comprises approx. 8 hours, including the following topics:

  • Flight procedures
  • Dangers and emergencies
  • Preparation of loads

Practical training

The flights with mirror and vertical reference are practiced with the following loads:

Concrete buckets, tree trunks, pallets, nets, big bags

In addition to the flight time, the practical training also includes the use of the equipment and infrastructure, as well as the deployment of two flight assistants (as required).

Part 1

Training flight with dual controls

5 hours

including 60 cycles

Part 2 Pilot in Command (PIC) under supervision

3 hours

including 40 cycles during 5 missions


After completing the basic training HESLO 1, the pilot is authorized to carry out commercial transport flights with underloads up to a maximum line length of 20 meters.


Once you have completed HESLO 1, you can start HESLO 2 training straight away. The line length is extended from 20 meters to an unlimited length.


  • Completed PPL(H), CPL(H) or ATPL(H)
  • of which at least 10 h PIC on type
  • Completed HESLO 1 training and minimum 100 HESLO cycles

Theory training

The theoretical part of the training comprises approx. 5 hours, including the following topics:

  • Flight procedures
  • Dangers and emergencies
  • Preparation of loads

Practical training

The flights with mirror and vertical reference are practiced with the following loads:

Concrete buckets, tree trunks, pallets, nets, big bags, IBC tanks with rope lengths of 30, 40 and 50 meters

In addition to the flight time, the practical training also includes the use of the equipment and infrastructure, as well as the deployment of two flight assistants (as required).

Part 1 Training flight with dual controls

2 hours

including 20 cycles

Part 2 Pilot in Command (PIC) under supervision

3 hours

including 30 cycles during 5 missions



After completing HESLO 2, the pilot is authorized to carry out commercial missions in the area of sub-loads.




You can find an overview of the costs for the entire training course in our training brochure.

Depending on the intensity, previous experience and the type of helicopter selected, prices are calculated individually. We will be happy to provide you with a non-binding consultation and prepare a customized offer for you.

Download our training brochure here
