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Heli flight day ZollbrückHeli flight day Zollbrück

Heli flight day Zollbrück

Zollbrück Heli flight day on September 07th, 2025

This year it's time again for the traditional heli flight day of the Zollbrück Music Society!

Event date: September 7th, 2025 (alternative date September 14, 2025)
Time: from 09h00
Place: Schützenhaus Mungnau, Zollbrück BE
Link to the organizer: Zollbrück Music Society

Every two years, we organize a flight day together with the Zollbrück Music Society, which offers many highlights for young and old.


What you can expect:

  • Sightseeing flights: Get on board and take off! Fulfill your dream of endless freedom.
  • Tandem parachute jumps: Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush! Jump out of the helicopter together with an experienced tandem master and enjoy the free fall!
  • Catering: Treat yourself to culinary delights at the Zollbrück music society's catering.
  • For the little ones: There will be a bouncy castle and face painting for the youngest visitors.

We look forward to seeing you!
