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Safety Report

This internal reporting system offers the opportunity to report incidents, events, observations or suggestions for improvement (also anonymously).

The aim of this reporting system is to identify and eliminate hazards and safety risks as early as possible before an incident or accident can occur.

An incident in flight operations must be reported within 72 hours. The reports can also be sent directly to the FOCA via the EU portal (please send a copy to us).

If an accident or serious incident occurs, the Mountainflyers' "Emergency Response Plan" comes into force. In such a case, the Mountainflyers administration must be informed immediately. The accident/serious incident must be reported to the SUST-AV via the REGA alarm center (Tel. 1414). Definition: Aircraft accident, serious incident


  • Unintentional loss of control.
  • Landing outside of intended landing area.
  • Inability or failure to achieve required aircraft performance expected in normal conditions during take-off, climb or landing.
  • Runway incursion.
  • Any flight which has been performed with an aircraft which was not airworthy, or for which flight preparation
  • was not completed, which has or could have endangered the aircraft, its occupants or any other person.
  • Unintended flight into IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) conditions of aircraft not IFR (Instrument
  • flight rules) certified, or a pilot not qualified for IFR, which has or could have endangered the aircraft, its
  • occupants or any other person.
  • Unintentional release of cargo.
  • Abnormal severe vibration (for example: aileron or elevator 'flutter', or of propeller).
  • Any flight control not functioning correctly or disconnected.
  • A failure or substantial deterioration of the aircraft structure.
  • A loss of any part of the aircraft structure or installation in flight.
  • A failure of an engine, rotor, propeller, fuel system or other essential system.
  • Leakage of any fluid which resulted in a fire hazard or possible hazardous contamination of aircraft structure,
  • systems or equipment, or risk to occupants.
  • Interaction with air navigation services (for example: incorrect services provided, conflicting communications
  • or deviation from clearance) which has or could have endangered the aircraft, its occupants or any other person.
  • Airspace infringement.
  • Any occurrence leading to an emergency call.
  • Fire, explosion, smoke, toxic gases or toxic fumes in the aircraft.
  • Incapacitation of the pilot leading to inability to perform any duty.

For occurrence related to aircraft maintenance and repair, aircraft technical refer to AMC-20.

Information on the incident
