Mountainflyers in collaboration with Centaurium Aviation has developed an Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC) for a reduced content of the First Aid Kit according to CAT.IDE.H.220. This AltMoC has recently been accepted by EASA and the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) in Switzerland. It will allow the operator to use a DIN 13164 Standard Medical Kit for local flight operation with helicopters as specified in the Operation Manual. Subsequently, this allows the operator to dispense with a regular check of Medicinal Products and Devices with expiry dates. There is also no longer any need to carry medicines products, since the dispensing of these by non-medical personnel is prohibited according to the Swiss Federal Act on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices – 812.21. Even as a first aider, company paramedic or safety officer, you are not considered medical personnel.
The AltMoC is therefore a great simplification for the operators because DIN 13164 standard First-Aid-Kits can be purchased cheaply at any pharmacy, or many shopping stores Operators have to propose the AltMoC to their competent authority. Their competent authority may approve the AltMoC. It is important to note that this approval will be granted on an individual basis: Other applicants wishing to make use of the same AltMoC must obtain individual approval from their competent authority.